Team Science Consulting

Experienced facilitation and support for teams engaging in collaborative team science, including expert advice on team development and function, as well as building infrastructure for coordinating centers and large grant-funded projects


Complex scientific work increasingly requires a team science approach. You don’t have to be a team science expert to be a good team-based researcher. I can help you set up the systems and processes to support your collaborative work, leaving you more time to focus on your science. And isn’t that why you got into research in the first place?

As a team science and research leader, I have helped dozens of teams build evidence-based infrastructure to support their team’s work, including integrating team science best practices into their collaborations. This focus on strong team processes at the beginning of the project* can save you time and energy by setting clear expectations and mitigating potential conflicts down the road, allowing you to put that time and energy into doing the science you love.

Our work together will be personalized for your team’s size, stage of team development (e.g., new team, experienced team working on a new project), the scope of your project, and may include such activities as:

  • Team and staff training and mentorship in leading and managing collaborative projects

  • Development of a Collaboration Plan with your team and advice on its implementation, all with the goal of creating a culture of collaboration and tangible guidelines for how your team works together

  • Facilitation of strategic planning meetings before your project launches, with period review meetings to assess progress

  • Evidence-based team science approaches to include in federal funding proposals

  • Leadership coaching designed to help you develop and implement strategies for leading and managing your team without drama

  • Blueprint for system development, including information management strategies

  • Evaluation of large research initiatives, as described in our recent JCTS paper.

To leverage my expertise in design, development, implementation, and evaluation of collaborative science infrastructure for your next project, contact me to schedule a free consult!

*It’s never too late! If your team is struggling to work together, a quick tune-up might be all you need.